The IPP-5032 is a single-ended impedance transformer that operates from 1000 to 3000 MHz (1 to 3 GHz) with a 2:1 transformation ratio and a 100 Watt average power rating. The IPP-5032 transforms the impedance from 50 ohms at J1 to 25 ohms at J2. The insertion loss is less than 0.45 dB. Its main line VSWR is less than 1.35:1.

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View IPP Balun, SMD, 180° Transformer Application Note

Single-Ended Transformers are used to connect transmission lines of differing impedances. IPP offers single-ended impedance transformers for antenna drivers, amateur radio, commercial and military applications in frequencies ranging from 20-2500 MHz. Single-ended impedance transformers can be customized for your project.